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The Church's catechetical mission aims to help the faithful of all ages to grow in both human and Christian maturity, enriching the whole of life with the leaven of the Gospel. Consequently, appropriate goals and content will embrace all the faith dimensions of an adult life - for example, understanding and communicating the faith, skills needed for personal growth, the experience of family life, relationships, public service, and concern for the common good.
Recommended Resources
Below are a few resources, some of which can be found and borrowed from the parish, that you might find helpful in furthering your relationship with Christ and deepening your faith. Truly there are an endless number of spiritual materials that may be helpful so the below is by no means an exhaustive list!
Prayer Resources
"Prayer - A Personal Response to God's Presence" article by Fr. Armand Nigro, SJ
Brief description of several prayer methods (Lectio Devina, WRAP, Explosive Prayer) within the context of relational prayer resource from Fr. Scott Traynor
The parish has a parish library located on the east wall of the parish hall. Books and other materials are available for check-out. Please sign the material out on the sign-out sheet and return them in a reasonable amount of time :)
Lighthouse Catholic Media Kiosk located in the east entrance of the Church.
Websites (register for free account at
Local Catholic Radio broadcasting EWTN