Welcome to our new Sacred Heart / St. Mary's combined youth groups! Youth ministry this year will include:
Middle-school youth group for youth in grades 6-8
High-school youth group for youth in grades 9-12
Outings, retreats, and service opportunities open to everyone
Please mark your calendar for a parent information night on Wednesday, August 28th at 7pm at Sacred Heart. Check out the Fall Youth Calendar below and register for youth group using the paper forms at either parish or the online form at the bottom of this page. We are excited for a great year!
The goal of youth ministry is to introduce our youth (grades 6-12) to the person of Jesus Christ and help them grow in that relationship within a community of fellow youth and adults together. We do this through both large group and small group offerings. The Youth Groups are open to all youth, regardless of where they go to school (Central, Roncalli, Warner, Frederick, homeschooled, etc!)
A typical youth group night runs from 7-8:30pm two Wednesday evenings a month. A youth group event will be a variety of large and small group games, panels, talks, testimonies, prayer, and snacks. There will be a group of adult volunteers assisiting with these events and investing in relationships with the youth.
For middle and high school students Sacred Heart runs youth discipleship groups comprised of 4-8 youth with 1 or 2 adults. The groups are seperated by gender but not necessarily by grade. Discipleship groups are a new way of running youth ministry that emphasizes the importance of relationships built on trust and transparency between teenagers and between teens and adults. Discipleship groups are focused on growing together as a community within the four major areas of formation: Human, Spiritual, Intellectual, and Apostolic.
What is Discipleship?
Discipleship is an apprenticing in the Christian life in order to aid them in the development of spiritual disciplines (discipline and disciple how the same root word, discipulus, which is latin for 'pupil'). Jesus' call to each of us to deny oneself, take up our cross, and follow him is both heroic and extremely challenging (and counter-cultural)! Discipleship is the process by which we are formed as students, or pupils, in what it means to be a Catholic man or woman in today's society.
What is the Curriculum?
There is no single program or curriculum that adequately suits the needs of every youth in the parish. Each group is at a different place and free to choose what they utilize as a resource according to the interests and needs of the group members. There is no shortage of great Catholic resources out there to help teens come to know Christ and His Church! One great resource available to our groups is a series of studies known as YDisciple. The YDisciple Handbook is a great resource that dives more deeply into the concept of discipleship groups and why they are needed for today's youth.
When do you meet?
Each group is free to meet at a time that works well with everyone's schedules. The group meeting time and place should be coordinated between the group leader, youth, and youth parents so that everyone is on the same page.
How do I get involved?
Contact Thomas Eskro in the office ([email protected] or 225-7065) to learn more about how to get a discipleship group going for your teenager. You do not need to wait until September to start a group! Training is provided for those intested in learning more about what it means to be a group leader.